
Source Code


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Many thanks to everyone who has helped with the project:

  • ThoughtWorks is a great place to work. (ThoughtWorks) (Go work for a company where people are surprised if you don't have a sourceforge account.)
  • Levi Khatskevitch
    • for a patch supporting Main Menus.
    • for multiple (hidden) desktop support.
    • for enhancement to the Menu Item tester.
    • for an enhancement allowing Modal forms to be displayed while running in a Windows Service context. (Cruise Control.NET)
  • Ian Cooper
    • for an enhancement to ControlTester.
    • for RadioButtonTester
    • for code that helps support Modal Forms.
    • for code that interacts with Message Boxes.
    • for ListBoxTester and ListBoxRecorder
    • for ListViewTester
    • for CheckedListBoxTester
    • for ToolbarTester
    • for ToolBarButtonTester
  • Richard Schneider for the MouseController. (This is a lot of code, thoroughly tested and documented.. Only problem is now I have to document the rest of it as completely.. :) )
  • Dan Bunea for a bug fix on TextBoxRecorder.
  • Mike Chean for a bug report on databinding to a dataset.
  • Federico Spinazzi for an enhancement to ComboBoxTester.
  • Bart De Boeck for the initial port to .NET 2.0 and several alpha releases on .NET 2.0
  • Anders Lillrank for Toolstrip support and several .NET 2.0 contributions.
  • Adam Vandenberg for work on .NET 2.0 support, code structure and refactoring.
  • Trevor Hall for his extensive feedback and constructive remarks.
  • The NUnitASP project gave me ideas about how the API could look for unit testing a user interface. (nunitasp.sf.net)
  • Luc Habert and Amarile (http://www.amarile.fr) for work on modal forms handling.
  • Many others for ideas / suggestions that ended up being implemented in the source.

Copyright © 2003-2007 Luke T. Maxon. All Rights Reserved.